Caul Screens

CleanSheen II and CleanSheen Pro caul screens are considered the industry standard in North America. The unique composition of brass electroplated high tensile wire results in improved cleaning capability, increased heat transfer, corrosion and rust resistance and a smooth surface for better release. CleanSheen Pro is also available in a stainless steel and brass coated combination. All screens are manufactured to site specifications and can be provided with tow bars attached to eliminate on-site assembly. Nextwire specializes in customization and additional options as requested.
Continuous Press Belts and Screens

Nextwire has the capability of manufacturing a single length up to 650 feet. Due to our manufacturing capabilities, we are also able to provide site specific material combinations to meet your needs. Multiple seaming options are available as well as on-site field service brazing.
Forming Belts
Nextwire manufactures spiral link and woven synthetic fabrics ranging from 250 to 1,200 CFM in a variety of weave patterns. Our extensive inventories ensure that Nextwire has the ability to provide your required material for deaeration, pre-compression, pre-heating or other forming applications. Multiple seam and edge options treatments provide for an array of operating parameters.
Seam and Edge Options
Nextwire offers a variety of seams and edge treatments for both synthetic and metals belts to provide optimal results.